Lucy C

Woman dusting to remove harmful Particulate Matter

Health effects of Particulate Matter

Everything you need to know about
Indoor Air Quality -  Episode 2

The health effects of particulate matter exposure (particularly PM2.5) can be huge: the average adult takes about 16 breaths per minute, or 960 breaths an hour - which comes to a grand total of 23,040 breaths each day. This is equivalent to approximately 2,000 gallons of air. We all know that consuming polluted water is a no-go… but imagine the health risks of breathing this much polluted air day in, day out!

Indoor air pollution is something that impacts our health, well-being, and productivity. When the air that we breathe is compromised (eg. there are too many particles in the air), we can feel sluggish or tired. Fine particulate matter is particularly dangerous, as particles of 2.5µg* or lower are small enough to enter directly into our organs!
(*micrograms per cubic meter)

Particulate Matter and Indoor Air Quality

Lungs affected by particulate matter

Although the simple act of "breathing" is something monotonous that we don't typically think about, the quality of air that we're feeding our bodies is something that deserves a second thought. Think about the last time you were having a barbeque - when you blew your nose afterwards, were there dark flecks?

We have protections in our airways (eg. our nose hairs, mucus, and cilia) that work to cleanse the air we breathe as much as possible before it fully enters our bodies. Here at HAVEN we often say there are two filters in your home - the one in your HVAC system, and the one in your lungs!

We can't control the quality of the air outside, but it's important to do as much as we can to ensure that we have clean air at home so that our body's own filters aren't working harder than they need to. 

Of course, the ideal level of Particulate Matter inside your home is zero - but this isn't always achievable due to the products we use, normal human activities, and outdoor air pollution which can be drawn inside. At HAVEN, we align ourselves with the air quality standards that the EPA has set:

PM < 12.0 µg/m3

How harmful is Particulate Matter?

Both short-term and long-term exposure to higher levels can result in health issues - especially among children, the elderly, or individuals with existing heart and/or respiratory diseases. In general, air pollution tends to exacerbate existing health conditions such as asthma, allergies, eczema and acne. It can also result in premature skin aging or skin cancer.

Exposure to PM may result in the following side effects or symptoms:

Health effects of Particulate Matter Exposure
Short-term Effects (exposure up to 24H) Long-term Effects
Asthma attacks Cancer
Eye, nose, and throat irritations (eg. coughing, difficulty breathing) Reduced lung functioning
Acute and chronic bronchitis Development/worsening of cardiovascular and respiratory diseases
Nonfatal heart attacks and/or irregular heartbeat (arrhythmias) for those with heart disease Premature death (especially for those with heart or lung disease)

It's important to reduce your exposure to Particulate Matter whenever possible. This may include staying indoors (with your windows closed) during times when PM levels are high outdoors, keeping and using your PM-producing products in well-ventilated areas of the home, installing air cleaners, and/or replacing your filters regularly.

What can you do to ensure healthy PM levels in your home?

The levels of PM in your home will fluctuate throughout the day depending on your habits and routine. It's normal for there to be spikes; the important thing is being able to bring down the level of indoor air pollution to a healthier range in a short time span (1-2 hours). Spikes in Particulate Matter that last longer than this range are called chronic events, and increase the health risks involved.

How to reduce levels of Particulate Matter at home:

High heat cooking causes Particulate Matter increase

  1. Improve filtration. Whether you have portable air purifiers or a central air system, filters don't last forever: keep track of your filters' life cycles and be sure to replace them at the appropriate time.
    (Did you know that HAVEN can automatically track filter usage and let you know when it's time for a replacement?)
  2. Increase ventilation. This is one of the most important things you can do to improve your indoor air quality. Opening a few windows or doors often helps increase airflow - but be mindful and avoid this action if there is a build up of pollen, wildfire smoke, or other outdoor pollutants.
  3. Improve your cooking habits. Be sure to increase ventilation where possible (eg. turning on your exhaust fan or opening a window) when cooking. Consider using cooking oils with a higher smoke point (eg. refined avocado oil, which has a smoke point of 520ºF) to reduce spikes in airborne particulate matter.
  4. Clean regularly. Regular dusting and vacuuming (or even better - mopping!) will help to keep dust levels down. Make sure your vacuum has an appropriate vacuum filter, otherwise you'll be releasing more PM into the air. Regularly washing the sheets, drapes, and other large fabric surfaces will also help to get rid of allergens and dust mites.
  5. Install an indoor air quality monitor. Having the data to show the air quality trends in your home can help you to understand how to improve and adapt your routines for cleaner, healthier indoor air.

Our users share that a good monitor has given them peace of mind and shown them exactly what to focus on to improve the air quality inside their homes. As part of the HAVEN product ecosystem, we have a Central Air Monitor that analyzes pollutants and comfort levels, and a Controller which can activate equipment (such as a humidifier or ventilation equipment) based on the Monitor's readings to automatically address spikes in indoor air pollution - for clean air peace of mind.

If you are interested in monitoring your IAQ, you can connect with your trusted HVAC contractor about HAVEN - or find a Pro through the HAVEN app! Get started here.

HAVEN IAQ Community Manager Beka Chen headshot

By Rebecca Chen, HAVEN Community Manager

📍 Vancouver, British Columbia

Want to see what other homeowners are saying about healthier breathing? Join the discussion:

What's a little-known tip that you've come across for healthier breathing?

About the Everything you Need to know About Indoor Air Quality series:

We started this series to help homeowners learn more about indoor air quality solutions, so thank you for joining us on this journey. If you missed our Intro to Particulate Matter and Volatile Organic Compounds, catch up here - and stay tuned for the next article where we focus on the health effects of Volatile Organic Compounds!

HAVEN™ is your professionally managed air quality solution, helping you and your family

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Everything you need to know about

Indoor Air Quality

Episode 1 - Particulate Matter and Volatile Organic Compounds

90% of people worldwide inhale air that exceeds recommended pollutant levels

How can you improve indoor air quality (IAQ)? Over the past few years, the topic has been brought to the forefront of public conversation. With the deadly COVID-19 virus spreading through airborne particles, large forest fires resulting in air pollution miles away from the original source, and unprecedented heat waves, causes of poor air quality have become ever more prevalent and visible.

Breathing in air that's high in pollutants can directly impact our health and well-being. A 2017 study in Boston found that older adults faced a higher risk of premature death, even when levels of short-term particle pollution remained well below the national standards; research suggests that the U.S. can prevent about 34 000 premature deaths each year if the annual levels of particle pollution are lowered by 1 µg/m3 (micrograms per cubic meter - the standard measurement when referring to the average concentration of particulate matter in the air).

So, what can we do to ensure that the air quality at home is clean and safe? The first step is to understand the types of indoor air pollution, and how they can affect our health. In this article, we will focus on two common sources: Particulate Matter and Volatile Organic Compounds.

What is Particulate Matter (PM)?

Particulate Matter definition:

PM is the term used for a mixture of solid particles and liquid droplets that are suspended in the air, such as aerosols, smoke, fumes, dust, ash, and pollen.

There are different types of Particulate Matter, and it comes in various sizes. Particles with a diameter of 10 microns (PM10) or less can be inhaled and become lodged deep inside our lungs. Breathing in fine Particulate Matter with a diameter of 2.5 microns or less (PM2.5) is incredibly health-damaging as it can penetrate the lung barrier, and enter our circulatory system.

Fine particles (PM2.5) pose the greatest risk to health

Even mild exposure can trigger asthma symptoms. Prolonged and chronic exposure to fine Particulate Matter is known to cause serious health problems, such as respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, lung cancer, and even premature death.

What is a Volatile Organic Compound (VOC)?

perfume spray bottle sources of VOCs

VOCs are chemicals that can be found in many commonplace household products, such as paints, cleaning supplies, pesticides, and printers. Scented products often contain VOCs.

Many VOCs are human-made chemicals found in industrial solvents, such as tetrachloroethylene, benzene, or formaldehyde, which evaporate quickly at room temperature when released. Products that contain these chemicals can emit VOCs into the air while you are using them, or while they're stored. In fact, concentrations of VOCs are consistently higher indoors - often up to 10 times higher than outdoor spaces. Studies show that using products that contain VOCs exposes individuals to high pollutant levels, and elevated concentrations can remain in the air long after the product has been used.  Breathing in VOCs may not be harmful in small doses, but chronic exposure can result in long-term health effects.

Common Sources of PM and VOCs

So, where do PM and VOCs come from? And how many of your daily or weekly activities affect your indoor air quality?

Particulate Matter Examples
Non-human Activities Human Activities
Pollen Smoking
Mold spores Cooking - especially when the food is fried, grilled, burned, toasted, or sautéed
Forest fires Residential wood burning: furnaces, fireplaces, and chimneys
Volcanic eruptions Burning of candles, incense, air fresheners, and diffusers
Dust storms Cleaning: sprays, dusting, vacuuming, sweeping
Motor vehicles: automobiles, airplanes
Power plants
Agricultural burning

Both categories can result in PM build-up in the air. Some non-human activities can be seasonal - such as a higher pollen count in springtime, or forest fires in summer. When outdoor air quality is poor, it's important to ensure that your doors and windows are closed to prevent particulate matter pollution from getting into your home, and into your lungs. It's also crucial that the air is filtered, to catch suspended particulate matter. If you have a central HVAC furnace, this essentially works as a whole home air filtration system! With the right filter, this alone can go a long way to help you improve air quality at home.

When engaging in activities that produce PM, be conscious and take precautions - like wearing appropriate protective gear, and making sure that your home's HVAC system is activated for effective air filtration.

Volatile Organic Compounds list:

  • Paints and paint strippers
  • Aerosol sprays, cleansers, and disinfectants
  • Moth repellents
  • Air fresheners
  • Stored fuels and automotive products
  • Dry-cleaned clothing
  • Pesticide
  • Hobby supplies


  • Copiers and printers
  • Carbonless copy paper
  • Glues and adhesives
  • Permanent markers 
  • Building materials (eg. plywood, particleboard)
  • Perfumes
  • Hair spray 
  • New furniture 
  • Carpets

VOCs are generally released by human-made products and chemicals. These Volatile Compounds examples are just a fraction of items that release them. If something has a scent or is made of chemicals: the chances are, it's a source of VOCs. As a rule of thumb, if you are planning to use VOC-emitting products, make sure that you're doing it in a well ventilated area and not in an enclosed space. Off-gassing can occur once products are opened (even if the containers seem securely fastened) so try to find a safe area like a basement or secluded closet for storage.

How habits affect the indoor air quality in your home

Woman opening window to increase ventilation and improve indoor air quality

What does the word "home" mean to you? For me, it's a word that invokes an image of a haven of comfort, safety, and relaxation. It's a place that I like to keep clean, clear of clutter and ideally, guest-ready. Whenever I speak to other homeowners, they tend to echo these sentiments. It's widely agreed that messes should be cleaned up to avoid bacteria colonies, and that sweeping and cleaning to get rid of dust is important.

While we focus on cleaning the various surfaces, we often overlook the impact this can have on healthy air quality at home. Because air is invisible to the naked eye, it's easy to forget that typical chores (like cooking and cleaning) can lead to poor air quality. It's especially easy when the thing that we're doing - like cleaning - is supposed to have the opposite effect!

Just the other day, I was enjoying Korean-style indoor BBQ at my dining table. It was tasty and enjoyable until I received a notification on my phone from my HAVEN IAQ App - the levels of PM and VOCs in the room were at a record high, and my app was worried about me! I looked up from my meal to see that the room was indeed filled with smoke and haze. In all my excitement I had forgotten to keep a window open and have my air filters running. Rookie mistake!

The first step to improve indoor air quality is simple: awareness, and the desire to do better. Every home is different and there isn't a one-size-fits-all solution. The path to cleaner air involves learning more about your home, your habits and figuring what strategies work for you. It's a journey and you're not alone. We will be here with you every step of the way!

Mask group-1

By Christina Summerfield, HAVEN Digital Marketing Strategist

📍 Vancouver, British Columbia

About the Everything you need to know about Indoor Air Quality series:

We started this series to help homeowners learn more about indoor air quality solutions, so thank you for joining us on this journey. Ready to learn more? Check out our next article where we focus more on how our health is affected by Particulate Matter here!

HAVEN™ is your professionally managed air quality solution, helping you and your family

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HAVEN IAQ + IFTTT: Our First Step on the Path to Automate Your Air Quality

The Quantified Mechanical Air Journey

When we started down this road, there were many other air quality monitors on the market, but none of them solved the problem that we wanted to solve.

We've all been inside buildings that have stagnant - or "stale" - air, where there is no circulation or ventilation happening in the room you're in. Team HAVEN mostly resides in the Marine Climate Zone, where homes can achieve natural ventilation by opening windows throughout most of the year. The upcoming climate crisis is changing this, as we're experiencing more intense temperature swings and forest fire smoke that will cause us to keep our windows closed more often. Soon, we will be joining the rest of the continent in adding mechanical ventilation to our buildings.

Mechanical ventilation can balance healthy & comfortable air delivery with reduced energy consumption, but that achievement requires careful design, installation, and maintenance. In the past, a home's central air system was not designed to keep you healthy; comfort was the primary focus of a home's heating or cooling system. Though you can't see what's in your air, there are countless pollutants floating around from indoor and outdoor sources that linger inside your home unless there is adequate ventilation and filtration. These airborne chemicals and particles can get deep into your bloodstream and affect short and long-term health, and a comprehensive ventilation and filtration strategy is needed to remove these pollutants from your home. Unfortunately, your home's professional service providers are not obligated to follow any particular IAQ standards when maintaining your home's mechanical ventilation systems.

In commercial buildings, there are mechanical ventilation standards that specify the amount of air changes per hour required to keep employees and guests healthy and comfortable. In most cases, these standards are achieved through design and construction techniques, but unless your workplace has a building management system, there are no sensors that verify that the building is being ventilated as designed.

HAVEN IAQ wants to change how we think of the air in our buildings. We want to make professional IAQ accessible in the residential market through a combination of cutting edge sensor technology and smart home automations.

IFTTT Automations

Screenshot of the HAVEN IAQ Services page on

IFTTT was one of the first accessible automation platforms on the web that allows a consumer to connect nearly any popular service to any other service. In the past, I've used IFTTT to download my Fitbit activity logs, alert me of outdoor air quality events, and to perform some simple home automations. Recently IFTTT has introduced their "IFTTT Pro" subscription, which allows multi-step applets, conditional logic, and multiple actions, which transitions IFTTT from a hobby-centric service to a professional platform.

We're excited to announce that we've recently released our HAVEN IAQ service on IFTTT. Through IFTTT, a HAVEN IAQ user can use the Central Air Monitor 's Temperature, Relative Humidity, VOC, and PM2.5 readings as triggers for the "If this" step of the IFTTT (= if this, then that) automations. Here are a few ideas of what you can do with HAVEN IAQ on IFTTT:

  • Turn on a (dumb) air purifier connected through a smart plug during high PM events
  • Turn on a bathroom fan via a smart switch during high VOC or Humidity events
  • Add an event to your calendar during an IAQ event to keep a log of when your Monitor readings crossed a certain thresholds
  • Export IAQ events to a Google Sheet
  • Make your smart lights change color based on IAQ events

To get started, head over to IFTTT, sign up for an account, and create an applet that uses the HAVEN IAQ as the trigger for the "If This" step.

If you would like to discuss IFTTT automations with other users and professionals, head over to the HAVEN IAQ Community to continue the discussion.

The Future of HAVEN IAQ Automation

IFTTT is only the beginning of our automation journey. Throughout 2021, Team HAVEN is committed to creating a rich automation ecosystem for actioning the air quality in your home.

Our first objective is to make HAVEN IAQ compatible with the existing smart products inside of a home, such as Wi-Fi connected thermostat. Throughout the first half of 2021, we will be releasing a new "Automations" feature inside of the HAVEN IAQ mobile app. Homeowners will use the Automations feature to connect HAVEN IAQ to popular smart thermostats other home automation services without leaving the HAVEN IAQ app.

Our second objective will be to launch a new hardware product that can transform a traditional piece of HVAC equipment into a smart home device. We're calling it The Central Air Controller , which is a wireless smart relay device installed by your HVAC professional, inside of your HVAC system. Once installed, the Controller will respond to IAQ events detected by the Monitor and will automatically toggle the appropriate HVAC accessory configured by your HAVEN Pro dealer to improve your Air Quality.

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By Ben Reed, VP of Product
📍 Vancouver, British Columbia

HAVEN™ is your professionally managed air quality solution, helping you and your family

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HVAC is Hard, IAQ is Harder, and HAVEN is Here to Help

The HAVEN Central Air Monitor has been many years in the making. Our journey of creating this unique product is a wild story, but we will save that for another time. Today, we want to highlight a milestone that our team is super proud of: We’ve officially launched and the HAVEN Central Air Monitor is available for purchase! 

If you don't yet know what the Monitor is, check out our previous blog post where we explain the differences between our monitoring device and others on the market.

We've chosen to make the HAVEN Central Air Controller available through your local HVAC service company. To some of our customers, that may seem like a strange decision. Why not make it available on a website like Amazon, or through a big box retailer like Best Buy? And why can’t I install it myself? We'll try to explain a bit of our product philosophy.

A central air system is often the most expensive investment in your home other than the home itself. Its purposes are to heat, cool, and circulate the air 24/7/365, hopefully for 10+ years. If it's not cared for properly, you can end up with an under-performing or damaged system that needs to be repaired or replaced at a high cost. A trained technician has the experience to spot problems with your existing system and perform tune ups and upgrades that will protect your investment and your comfort.

The central air system is also the central circulatory system of a home - playing an important role in keeping the occupants healthy, but only if it's properly configured and maintained. Maintenance and repair visits through your local HVAC company is a great option for solving obvious IAQ issues — like replacing a clogged filter — but airborne pollutants are often not obvious, and vary greatly depending on the time of year, indoor activities, building variables, and outdoor conditions. On top of that, we've found that most HVAC professionals are currently not equipped to solve IAQ issues, nor identify the source of the problems. Finally, after spending many years working with homeowners to resolve their IAQ issues, it's become clear to us that homeowners are also not equipped to solve most IAQ issues by themselves, even if they've tried using traditional IAQ monitors.


Our vision is to build a product that doesn't resemble IAQ gadgets of the past — we want to bring professional IAQ solutions to the masses. Through the HAVEN IAQ ecosystem, the HVAC professional and the homeowner embark on a journey together to discover, discuss, and resolve IAQ issues. HAVEN IAQ provides professional-grade hardware installed inside of the central air system for 24/7/365, whole-home HVAC + IAQ monitoring, supported by software interfaces, reports, notifications, and insights. In addition, Team HAVEN is committed to providing training programs for our certified HAVEN Pro Technicians, and exceptional customer service for everyone that comes with us on this journey. Through the combination of teamwork, the best monitoring technology on the market, and proper HVAC maintenance, we're confident that we can solve any home's IAQ issues.

Let's turn your home into a HAVEN.

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By Ben Reed, VP of Product
📍 Vancouver, British Columbia

HAVEN™ is your professionally managed air quality solution, helping you and your family

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The best way to monitor Indoor Air Quality

What do all Indoor Air Quality monitors have in common?


Indoor Air Quality monitors come in different forms - some sit on your counter or table, some have a battery and can be carried around, while others are mounted to the wall. Most have the ability to measure the amount of particles and chemicals at varying degrees of accuracy and repeatability, though some devices are equipped with specialized sensors for certain gases or radon.

One thing these Indoor Air Quality monitors have in common is that they measure air only in the room where they are currently placed. Portable monitors can be moved from room to room, but can never measure all rooms at once. Most stationary or portable monitors also measure particles using the same technique: a small fan that forces the air through a laser beam. This method works well, but these small fans have mechanical parts that can fail if the device is dropped, if the motor or bearing fails, or if too many large particles clog the tiny air channel. To summarize: common air quality monitors only measure one room at a time, and have moving parts that can fail after a few years of use.

Most modern single family homes have a central air system that is designed to move the air throughout the whole home, while heating or cooling. Generally speaking, a home's air is circulated by the central HVAC system first through the return ductwork, then into the filter, air handler, and back out to the home via the supply ductwork. So why monitor the air in only one room, if there is a location that all of a home's air is being moved through?


At HAVEN, we spent around five years in the lab, researching and building a product that's truly unique. Our Central Air Monitor is very different from other air devices: it measures air quality across the whole home while having no moving parts. The HAVEN Monitor takes air quality measurements inside of the return duct using the air handler blower fan, which is designed to last 10 years or more.

The HAVEN IAQ software allows automations to be set up to respond to air quality events, provide notifications of pollutant spikes, and filter change reminders when needed. In addition, the HAVEN team individually calibrates each device at different airflow rates, resulting in particle detection accuracy comparable to lab-grade equipment.

How is the Central Air Monitor Unique?

HAVEN's CTO and Air Quality Scientist explain the inner workings of the Central Air Monitor and its benefits compared to other air quality monitors:

If you're interested in learning more on any of the topics covered here, head over to the HAVEN Community — where homeowners, professionals and HAVEN team members discuss HAVEN products and IAQ solutions.

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By Ben Reed
📍 Vancouver, British Columbia

HAVEN™ is your professionally managed air quality solution, helping you and your family

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HAVEN IAQ October 2020 Software Updates

2020 has been a crazy year for everyone. At HAVEN, we've been extremely fortunate to be spending the year solving a problem that affects everyone: Indoor Air Quality.

In the years leading up to 2020, we were in the lab, developing our first hardware product: The HAVEN Central Air Monitor. We're now finally ready to release it to the world (!), and are making it available for purchase through your local HVAC service company soon.


Before 2020, we had two pieces of software that accompanied the Central Air Monitor: The HAVEN Home App & the HAVEN Installer App. The HAVEN Home App was made for the homeowner to view their home's IAQ data, and the HAVEN Installer App allowed the contractor to install a Central Air Monitor into a home's HVAC system. We've recently combined our two apps into 1: the HAVEN IAQ App.

The HAVEN IAQ App has recently been released to the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. It contains an IAQ dashboard for homeowners and the installation features for HAVEN Professionals — all in one place. Yesterday, we launched version 4.2.4 of our app, which included the following enhancements:

  • Notifications — Near-real-time mobile notifications of when your home's airborne particle & chemical levels cross thresholds
  • Account page — Allows you to customize your temperature, particle, and chemical units
  • Social logins — In addition to a username & password you can now sign up for an account through Facebook, Google, Apple or LinkedIn

More detailed release notes for this HAVEN IAQ App update can be found in our Community Forum, and you can download the app using the links below:

The HAVEN Pro Web Portal

An important part of our mission is to enrich the relationship between the HVAC professional and homeowner. For years, it's been our dream to allow a professional to help manage a customer's IAQ remotely, provided that the customer agrees to sharing their data. Now that's finally possible with the recent launch our HAVEN Pro Web Portal.

The Pro Portal is built exclusively for HVAC and IAQ professionals that are installing and maintaining their fleet of HAVEN devices. The newest updates shipped this week are as follows:

  • Dual Axis Graphs — This allows a pro portal user to overlay two separate parameters in the same graph, making it easy to compare them and find trends in a home's IAQ data
  • Company Page — Now HAVEN Pro service company managers can edit their company details, add their logo, and edit/delete team members' permissions for accessing different components of the HAVEN IAQ software ecosystem

More detailed release notes for this Pro Portal update can be found in our Community Forum.

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By Ben Reed, VP of Product
📍 Vancouver, British Columbia

HAVEN™ is your professionally managed air quality solution, helping you and your family

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